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News and events

Civic Education Day

27 May 2024

As the second year to promote “Verify Information Wisely, Use Information Ethnically”, the Civic Education Day this year highlights the continuous efforts made by our Civic Education Leaders and students in sharing top tips on combating internet fraud through games, drama and publications with both their schoolmates and the members of the public throughout the year.

25th Robofest World Championship

9-11 May 2024

Our Robotic Team represented Hong Kong to join the Bottle Sumo Event in the 25th Robofest World Championship at Lawrence Technology University and visited various landmarks in Michigan, US on 9-11 May 2024.

傳承動起來 ! 體驗中華傳統文化

6 May 2024


  • 傳承中華文化,活動學習,親身體驗中華傳統文化的底蘊和魅力


  • 中一課室:中華傳統藝術工作坊

  • 有蓋操場:遊戲和小食

  • 禮堂:表演、工藝和體驗

The 26th Hong Kong Science & Technology Innovation Competition

23 & 24 March 2024

Our scientific research team was awarded the First-Runner Up in Senior Secondary School Research and Invention (Chemistry and Materials) in the Hong Kong Science & Technology Innovation Competition. The trio will represent Hong Kong to join the 19th Soong Ching Ling Award for Children’s Invention to be held in August 2024 in Beijing, China.

Dance Festival

22 March 2024

Dance Festival is a biennial event organized alternatively with the Music Festival to arouse our students’ interest and let them unleash their potential in performing arts. The event also fosters team spirit, encourages the pursuit for excellence, and more importantly, lets our students learn different cultures, as well as reflect on the meaning of life and different social issues through the dances.


4 March 2024

The hands-on workshops of our annual STEAM Day offer fun and opportunities for our students at different levels to progressively explore various innovation and technology fields across the years. Their engagement in the creative problem-solving process enhances their resilience, brain power and collaboration skills, which helps them gradually laid down sound foundation for both future study and future careers.

PTA Family Day Trip: Happy Vibes at Kat O and Lai Chi Wo

3 March 2024

The local excursion organised by the Parent-Teacher Association let our students and their families together with our teachers have a joyful and meaningful weekend at Kat O and Lai Chi Wo.

Parents’ Education Workshop on “Mental Health and Emotional support”

29 January & 2 February 2024

The workshops conducted by a psychiatrist enhance parents' understanding of emotions as well as the ways to face adversity and deal with emotions head-on. Parents also improve their ability to face emotions, identify the emotional distress of their children and provide early support to them. 

St. Paul’s Feast Day

25 January 2024

On St. Paul’s Feast Day, we celebrated the conversion of our Patron Saint, 

St. Paul, to Christianity. Rev. Father Matthias Choi, OFM was invited to celebrate the St. Paul’s Feast Day Mass and he preached us about the spirit of love, perseverance and selflessness of St. Paul. 

Father Choi led us to develop proper life attitude by learning from ‘S-P-C’ (St Paul’s Conversion): ‘S’ for scholarly and not stubborn, ‘P’ for persistent, and ‘C’ for caring and compassionate.

Christmas Celebration

19-21 December 2023

To commemorate the birth of Jesus, we share our love and wish one another a joyful and fulfilling new year at Christmas.

Designed by Chan Ka Yan (2010-2016)

©2017 by St. Paul's School (Lam Tin) 

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